Diplomatischer Pressedienst

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CHO Hyun – Ambassador of the Republic of Korea.

CHO Hyun has served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Austria since March 2011. Before assuming his post as Ambassador in Vienna he was Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea (ROK). During his term, he served as Sherpa for the first Nuclear Security Summit (2010) and for the preparations of the second NSS in 2012. Ambassador Cho also served as Chief Negotiator for negotiations on the renewal of the ROK-US Nuclear Cooperation Agreement.



Prior to his assignment as Deputy Minister, he served as Ambassador for Energy and Resources (2008-2009), Deputy Permanent Representative of the Korean Mission to the United Nations in New York (2006-2008), and Director-General of International Economic Affairs (2004-2006). His overseas posts include ROK Embassies in Belgium, the Central African Republic, Senegal, the U.S, and a secondment to the OECD Secretariat. Ambassador Cho holds a Ph.D in Political Science from the University of Toulouse and recently taught at Ewha Women’s University in Seoul. He is married and has one son.

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