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María del Carmen GONZÁLEZ CABAL, Ambassador of Ecuador




I. Personal Details



María del Carmen González Cabal

Place of birth:

Bahía de Caráquez, Manabí, Ecuador

Date of birth:

March  23, 1956



Marital status:

Married to Hugo Santos Quiroz



II. Education


  • Master in International Relations, University of Brasilia, Brazil, Dec. 1997.
  • Doctorate in Jurisprudence and Attorney in the Courts of the Republic. Catholic University of Ecuador, January 1981, Quito, Ecuador.
  • Diploma in Political and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Ecuador, 1978, Quito, Ecuador.


III. Further Professional Courses


  • International Criminal Law summer course 2007, Grotius Centre, Leiden University, Netherlands.
  • Human Rights, University of Strasbourg, France, 1992.
  • Process of Integration of the European Community, Salzburg, Austria, 1990.
  • International Relations, Institute of Research and International Relations, Florence, Italy, 1988.
  • Introduction to the Career of Diplomacy at Rio Branco Institute, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brasilia, Brazil, 1981-1982.



IV. Professional Experience


·         Ambassador Concurrent of the Republic of Ecuador to the Federal Republic of Austria, based in Budapest (2016)

·         Ambassador of the Republic of Ecuador to Hungary (2015-until now)

·         Undersecretary of the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific —CPPS- (2010-2014).

·         Member of the National Association of Attorneys of Quito since 1981.

·         Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 2005-2007.

·         Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the OPCW, The Hague, (October 2005-Dec 2007).

·         Governor of Ecuador to the Common Fund of Commodities, Amsterdam, October 2005 until December 2007.

·         Vice-president for Latin America and Caribbean to the Council of Governors of the Common Fund of Commodities, from December 2006 to December 2007.

·         Ambassador to Nicaragua, 2003-2005.

·         International Observer, Presidential Election, Republic of Panama, May 2004.

·         Ambassador to the Republic of Argentina, 2002-2003.

·         Charges D'Affairs of Ecuador in El Salvador, January 2001.

·         Charges D'Affairs of Ecuador in Brazil. Oct. 1998- Jan. 1999.

·         Minister of the Embassy of Ecuador in Brazil, 1996- 1999.

·         Member of the Ecuadorian Ecuador - Peru Peace Talks Delegation, held in Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia, which culminated with the signature of the Peace Declaration of ltamaraty, on February 17, 1995.

·         Counselor of the Embassy of Ecuador in Brazil, 1994 - 1996.

·         First Secretary of the Embassy of Ecuador in Austria. From 1985 to 1990.



V. Domestic Assignments


·         Executive Secretary of the Ecuadorean Committee to the Pacific Basin (March-October 2014).

·         Director of the European Affairs Office at the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Quito, 2008-2009.

·         Advisor at the National Childhood and Family Institute. Quito, Ecuador. January -October 2002.

·         Principal Private Secretary of the Minister of External Affairs, Quito, May 2001-December 2001.

·         National Coordinator of the Tenth Conference of Wives of Chiefs of Staff and Government of the Americas, Quito, January - November 2001.

·         General Coordinator of Foreign Affairs, Quito, from October 1999 to March 2001.

·         Director of Social Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Quito, 1990-1992.

·         Director of General Issues, at the Undersecretary of the Littoral, Guayaquil, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1992-1993.

·         Undersecretary Li. of the Littoral, Guayaquil, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guayaquil, 1993 -1994.

·         Member of the National Council of Fishing Development, Guayaquil, 1992 — 1994.

·         Principal Private Secretary to the Administrative Undersecretary. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Quito, 1984 -1985.

·         Head of the Technical Cooperation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Quito, 1983.

·         Member of the Selection Committee in the Ecuadorian Educational Credit and Scholarships Institute, Quito, 1983.

·         Member of the Selection Committee of Development Projects in the National Development Council, 1983.

·         Deputy Director of Communication and Press in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Quito, 1978.

·         Deputy Director of the Legal Department, Juridical Advisory, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Quito, 1979 -1980.


VI. Languages


·         Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian



VII. Other relevant activities


·         Lecturer "International and Regional Organizations" at the Antonio Parra Velasco Institute, University of Guayaquil, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 2012-2013.

·         Project Founder, "Entrepreneurial School Laboratories", of the Organization of American States - OAS - Young Americas Business Trust, in Ecuador (2001-2002) and Nicaragua (2004-2005).

·         Guest Lecturer at the "Antonio J. Quevedo" Diplomatic Academy, Quito Ecuador, June 2000.

·         Guest Lecturer at the University of Brasilia, Brasilia, D,F., Brazil, 1994.

·         Guest Lecturer at the Catholic University of Guayaquil, Ecuador, 1993.

·         Student Assistant "Contemporary Latin-American Problems". Catholic University of Ecuador, 1983-1984, Quito, Ecuador.

·         Guest Lecturer at the Salerno University, Italy, 1988.


VIII. Commendations


·         The Order of José de Marcoleta in the Grade of Grand Cross, Managua, Nicaragua, 2005.

·         The Order of Rio Branco in the Grade of Grand-Officer, Brazil, March 2002.

·         Decoration of Honour for Merit in the Grade of Grand Cross, Federal Republic of Austria, 1991.


IX. Thesis and publications


·         Due diligence and the application of the precautionary principle in the area of responsibility of states that sponsor organizations in the exploration, prospecting and exploitation of the seabed, beyond national jurisdiction", in "International Law Studies: Libro homenaje al Profesor Hugo Llanos Mansilla", Santiago de Chile, May, 2012.

·         The first ICC warren arrest over a head of state: The Sudan case", Revista AFESE N. 52, Quito, December, 2009.

·         "Reflections on the Ecuadorian - Peruvian Peace Agreement Protocol, Friendship and Limits of January 29th, 1942" Carta Internacional No. 20, June 1998, Sao Paulo, Brazil

·         "Some Reflections on the Assurance of the 1942 Rio de Janeiro Protocol", Master's

·         Degree Thesis, University of Brasilia, Brazil, December 1997.

·         "The highly migratory species in the new right of the sea", Doctoral Thesis, Catholic

·         University of Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador. January 1981.

·         "Overcome Crisis", article on the political crisis of Ecuador in February 1997, which culminated with the fall of President Bucaram. Carta Internacional No. 49, March 1997, Sao Paolo, Brazil.



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