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Jesse Alonso Chacón Escamillo, Ambassador of Venezuela


Personal Information

Name: Jesse Alonso Chacón Escamillo

Date and Place of birth: Caracas, 09-11-1965

Nationality: Venezuelan

Marital Status: Married

Children: 3

Language: Spanish




Undergraduate classes


Institution: Military Academy of Venezuela

Graduation Year: 1987, member of the Tomas Montilla Padrón Class.

Degree: Graduated in Military Arts and Sciences


Institution: National and Experimental University for the Armed Forces.

Graduation Year: 1996

Degree: Systems Engineer, Cum Laude Mention.


Graduate Studies

Institution: France National Telecommunications Institute and Simón Bolívar University of Venezuela

Graduation Year: 2002.

Degree: MSc – Telematics Especialist


Other Studies


Institution: Communication School for National Army

Graduation Year: 1987-1988 (Basic course) 1994-1995 (Medium course).

Name of the course: Basic and Medium course in communications. More accomplished student recognition.


Work Experience

Ministry of People’s Power for Electric Energy

Date: April 2015- August 2015

Position: Minister and President of Corpoelec

Achievements: He reached the installation of 2935 MW of new electric generation. Under his supervision, 862 kilometers of new transmission lines were installed. Upon the putting in place of the “plan Banda Verde” a decrease of the growth of the demand was achieved, from 7,1% a 1,7% between 2013 and 2014. More than 31 million fluorescent lamps were installed in the Venezuelan territory in replacement of incandescent lamps. He accomplished the institutional transformation and organizational structure of the Corporation. He completed the payment of the 100% of the labor debt.


Ministry of People’s Power for Science, Technology and intermediate industries.

Date: April 2009 –December 2009.

Position: Minister

Achievements: In the science and technological sector, he proposed the focusing of the research, development, and innovation of institutions such as the FONACIT towards the national priorities and the national industry requirement.  For the industrial sector he designed a strategy for the administration focused on those sectors that reached a productive chain and larger contribution for the economic growth of the country. He strengthen the participation of public funds in the industry sector through the creation of 51 socialist factories.


Ministry of People’s Power for Communication and Information.  

Date: December 2008 - April 2009.

Position: Minister

Achievements:  He initiated the publication of the periodic article written by the President of the Republic, Hugo Chávez Frías, “Las líneas de Chávez”. He consolidated the second phase of the public campaign “Venezuela de Verdad” as well as that of the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the program “Barrio Adentro”. He guided the campaign for the anticipated achievement of the millennium goals for Venezuela.


Ministry of People’s Power for Secretarial of the Presidency.

Date: January 2008  - August 2008.

Position: Minister

Achievements: He was the main support for the office of President of Venezuela,  Hugo Chávez Frías. He was the creator and leader of the situation and analysis room for the environment and prospective of political scenarios. Under his supervision, the strategy for the National Government politics was designed


Ministry of People’s Power for Telecommunications and Informatics.

Date: January 2007 - January 2008.

Position: Minister y General Director of CONATEL

Achievements: He reached the public acquisition of CANTV (National telecommunications company).  He coordinated the institutional transition after the expiration of RCTV concession. He created the structure of the Ministry of Telecommunications and Informatics. He initiated the modernization of the technical infrastructure for the National Printing Company. He consolidated the Integrated Bolivarian System for the Communication and Information.


Ministry of Interior Relations and Justice.

Date: September 2004 - January 2007.

Position: Minister – President of the National Commission for the Penitentiary Emergency – President for the National Committee for Risk Management

Achievements: He lead the Presidential Commission against corruption and the Presidential Commission for police reforms in which was based the creation of the National Police and the new frame for National Security based on Human Rights. He conducted the new immigration, identification and foreign system. He proposed the automatization of the Registry and Notary Systems and the Automatization of the coordination of police departments system. He initiated the installation of the emergency number 171 nationwide.


Ministry of Communication and Information.

Fecha: July 2003 - September 2004.

Cargo: Minister

Logros: He extended the coverage of more than 35 FM radio stations nationwide. He initiated the process of modernization and technological adaptation of the infrastructure of VTV (National TV Station). He began the process of the organization of the National News Agency. He designed and promoted the creation of VIVE TV. He was the leader for the campaign “Venezuela ahora es de todos” looking for the unification of the government different agencies in an unified entity and Image. He began the operations of the regional TV station, Telesur.


National Commission for Telecommunications (CONATEL).

Fecha: May 2001 - July 2003.

Cargo: General Director of CONATEL

Logros: He worked for the final approval of the Comunitary Radio and TV regulation and the National discussion for the Social Responsibility Law for Radio and Television. He presided the meeting for Regulators and Operators for the Americas and Chief of the Venezuelan delegations in different meetings for the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the Interamerican Commission for Telecommunication (CITEL). He was the Alternate President of the Andines Authority Committee for Telecommunications.


National Commission for Telecommunications (CONATEL)

Fecha: January 1999 - May 2001.

Cargo: Secretary General of CONATEL

Logros: Coordinated the work teams for the Telecommunications Organic Law and the National Telecommunications Plan. He drove this topic up to the National Assembly until its approval


Awards and Recognitions

Francisco de Miranda Order (First Class) Awarded by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. January 2007


Civil Protection Cross First Class, Awarded by Civil Protection and disaster management Administration. December 2006.


Alma Mater Medal, awarded by Military Academy of Venezuela. November 2006.


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