Diplomatischer Pressedienst

Vienna calling    Mehr Information …


Dr. Janos Perenyi, Ambassador of Hungary

Dr. Janos Perenyi was born on 14 of September 1949 in Budapest.




1969-1972         Uppsala   University

Faculty of Philosophy,  History,  English,  French

Bachelor  of Art


      1973 -1978       Uppsala   University Postgraduate  Studies Doctor of Philosophy  1979




1979 -1982        Research Fund of the  Swedish   National   Bank

Research fellow


1982 - 1985      Stockholm University,    Faculty of the History of Ideas

University  lecturer, Docent,  ·1983

Associate professor,   1984


1985  - 1990         Veropa l<G, Vienna ..Austria

Managing  director


1990                  Ministry  of Poreign Affairs of Hungary

Head of Department


1990 - 1992     Embassy of Hungary  in Vienna ..Austria



1992  - 1 996        Permanent   Representation of Hungary  to the Council of Europe



1993  - 1996      Chairman   of U10 Liaison   Committee  between the Council of Europe and  OECIJ


1996                  Ccnftdence     Building   Measures  Programme of the Council  of Europe

Project Manager






1997  - 1998        Joint   Programme     of  the  Council     of  Europe   and  the   European   Commission      for the   development       and   capacity     building     of   local    self .. government     in   Bosnia   .. Herzegovina      and   Ukraine.

Project Manager


199!3   -  2002          Permanent   Representation    of Hungary    to the  Council    of Europe



19913  -1999       Chairman of the l\Jlinisters   Deputies  during  the Hungarian    Chairmanship    of the

Committee   of Ministers of the  Council of Europe


1999 • 2002       Chairman    of the Rapporteur   Group on  Education,   Culture,  Youth and Sport of the Committee of Ministers


1993 - 2002      Member  of the  Governing Board of the Council of Europe Development   Bank



2002  - 2003     Special Advisor to the Secretary  General   of the Council  of Europe in the cultural field


2003  - 2004      Senior  Advisor in the Ministry  of Foreign Affairs  of Hungary

Department for the CJS  Countries


2004 - 2005     Senior Advisor in the Minist1y  of Foreign  Affairs of Hungary, Department  for the Western Balkans


2005                    Crans Montana Forum,  Monaco

Director General  for lnternatlonal   Relations.


2008 - 2009           National  Coordinator for the Alliance of Civilisations   in  the Mlnlst1y of Foreign

Affairs of Hungary,  Department for International   Organisations.


2009 - 2011         Councillor  at the Hungarian   Embassy in Paris


2011-2014          Ambassador to the Kingdom  of Morroco


2003               President of the Association  of Castles of North-Eastern   l-lungaiy




Hungarian,  English,  French,  German,   Swedish

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