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Marc UNGEHEUER, Ambassador of Luxembourg


Date of Birth:    19 May 1961 in Differdange/Luxembourg

Married, Three Children


Educational qualifications


Master in Business Law                                               (1985, University of Paris 1 Sorbonne)

Master in European Law                             (1986, University of Paris 1 Sorbonne)

Diploma in International Relations          (1988, IEP Institute d’Etudes Politiques, Paris)


Career within the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


1 October 1988                 Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

(Directorate for International Economic Relations)


1 August 1990                   Member of the Permanent Representation of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

to the European Union (Brussels/Belgium)


1 August 1998                    Deputy Permanent Representative of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to the European Union (Brussels/ Belgium)


1 August 2002                    Ambassador of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg to the People’s Republic of China, with co-accreditations as non-resident Ambassador to Vietnam, Mongolia, Singapore (2003) and Laos (2005)


26 August 2007 –              Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to the Kingdom of Thailand,

31 December 2010           with co-accreditations as non-resident Ambassador to Vietnam, Singapore, Laos, Malaysia, ASEAN (2008) and Indonesia (2009)


18 September 2013        Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to Japan


15 January 2014                Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


17 August 2017                 Designated Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Vienna

                                               accredited in  Austria, Republic of Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Hungary

                                               Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the OSCE

Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the United Nations (UNOV) and other International Organizations in Vienna (UNODC, IAEA, UNIDO, CTBTO, IACA)



Career with the EEAS (European External Action Service)


1 January 2011 –

15 August 2013                 Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Singapore



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