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Keith Azzopardi – Ambassador of Malta.

Ambassador Azzopardi was born on 9 February 1978. He speaks Italian, Spanish, Dutch.


    02 September 2013 –

Ambassador of the Republic of Malta to Austria and Permanent Representative of Malta to the OSCE and international organisations in Vienna



01 January 2005 – 2013

Political Advisor, European Parliament

Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), Brussels Belgium)

Enlargement and Eastern Partnership Unit January 2005 -

# Monitored on a regular basis the current affairs in the respective countries

# Advised, assisted and accompanied Members of European Parliament, including the Presidency of the Group, on work related to, and missions to the countries, namely Romania,  Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan. # Drafted several resolutions, reports, amendments and voting lists

# Negotiated compromise resolutions during plenary sessions

# Maintained regular contact and direct communication between the Group and its partners, as well as EU representatives in the respective countries

# Organised and participated in several fact-finding missions and monitoring missions

# Participated in various election observations on behalf of the European Parliament together with the OSCE and ODIHR

# Organised and participated in several conferences and round-table meetings, both in the European Parliament and the Eastern countries



EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, EU-Moldova Parliamentary Cooperation Committee January 2007 -

# Acted as the key contact between our Group and the respective parliaments of Ukraine and Moldova

# Oversaw the progress of both countries during the negotiations on the Association Agreement with the EU to brief the Presidency of our Group, and contributed in devising our short and long-term political strategy towards these countries

# Participated in high-level meetings with the leadership of these countries and members of parliaments

# Drafted and negotiated Memorandums of Cooperation between our Group and its sister parties in these countries



Euronest Parliamentary Assembly September 2009 -

# Oversaw the general coordination of the delegation of the Group in this assembly

# Participated and advised members in the Bureau and Enlarged Bureau, Committee on Political Affairs, HR and Democracy, Working Groups on Belarus and the Rules of Procedure

# Negotiated with other political groups the allocation of reports and in reaching compromise amendments

# Acted as the liaison person between the Group and the members/officials from the respective countries in Euronest, namely Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.



NATO-EU Parliamentary Assembly January 2010 -

# Accompanied and advised members during assemblies held in different NATO member states

# Drafted reports, resolutions, amendments and oral questions on the agenda of the EP committees and plenary sessions related to NATO



Committee on Foreign Affairs,

Sub-Committee and Security& Defence January 2012 -

# Adviced and assisted members during the whole process of any legislation related to security and defence adopted in these committees as well as in the plenary

# Took the lead on behalf of my group in negotiating with other political groups to reach compromises on various legislative texts

# Oversaw that the contribution of our members on security and defence, is in line with the policy of the group

# Participated in triologues with the Council and Commission

# Regularly briefed and advised the coordinator of our group, in particular during Bureau meetings and key debates



Inter-parliamentary Conference on CFSP and CSDP May 2012 -

# Offered expert advise to our members on the security and defence policy agenda of the rotating EU Presidency and national parliaments from the EU member states

# Accompanied and assisted members during session meetings




01 March 2004 – 30 December 2004

Assistant Journalist

maltastar.com, (Malta)

# Assisted in drafting articles for online publication

#Updated the online portal


15 September 2003 – 15 February 2004


Socialist Group, European Parliament, Brussels (Belgium)

# Drafted notes and briefings to Members of Parliament prior to the debates in the Committee on Agriculture

# Assisted the political advisor in the field of work of the Committee

# Drafted research papers on the topics of discussion in the committee





02 September 2001 – 29 September 2002

M.A. in Diplomatic Studies


Mediterranean Academyof Diplomatic Studies, (Malta<)

International Relations

International History

International Economics

International Law




02 September 1998 – 30 July 2001

B.A. (Hons) International Relations


University of Malta, (Malta)

Micro/Macro Economics

International Law

EuropeanLaw and Studies

International History

Political Theories and Analysis


02 September 1996 – 15 July 1997

A´ Level Certificates


Junior College, Msida (Malta)


Maltese Language

Religion Studies

System of Knowledge


02 September 1989 – 15 July 1994

O´ Level Certificates


Savio College, Dingli (Malta)



English Language

Maltese Language

Italian Language

Computer Studies

Religion Studies

Social Studies


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